We created a checklist to help you complete and organize your campaigns quickly and efficiently, with fewer mistakes and bigger success.
Before you send the email, check if :
- To: You have selected the correct recipients
- From: You have chosen the right sender email and have correctly written the Override From name & Override Reply-To
- Subject: The subject line accurately reflects the content of the message (click here for more information about the CAN-SPAM Act).
- Campaign name should follow a naming convention: e.g., XXX_Promotion_XXX_MM-DD-YYYY.
- Add Tags to indicate its categories
Test Send and Quality Control:
- Click on “Preview” on the campaigns list page and make sure:
- All images and buttons direct users to the right webpage (right offer, correct UTM tracking, etc.)
- Tell recipients where you’re located (click here for more information about the CAN-SPAM Act).
- Send a test email to yourself and in your inbox:
- Do the same checks as above in the email inbox.
- Check the subject line and preview text to ensure they look proper (e.g., there should be enough white spaces after preview texts).
- In the Preview, the mobile view and desktop view both look good
- Scheduling delivery:
- If you need to select a specific time to send out your campaign, make sure you choose the correct date, time, and time zone (default to EST).
- Check if the campaign status goes to “Scheduled” after putting in the date and time.