Campaign Creation Checklist

We created a checklist to help you complete and organize your campaigns quickly and efficiently, with fewer mistakes and bigger success. 

Before you send the email, check if : 

  • To: You have selected the correct recipients
  • From: You have chosen the right sender email and have correctly written the Override From name & Override Reply-To
  • Subject: The subject line accurately reflects the content of the message (click here for more information about the CAN-SPAM Act). 
  • Campaign name should follow a naming convention: e.g., XXX_Promotion_XXX_MM-DD-YYYY.
  • Add Tags to indicate its categories 

Test Send and Quality Control: 

  • Click on “Preview” on the campaigns list page and make sure:
    1. All images and buttons direct users to the right webpage (right offer, correct UTM tracking, etc.)
    2. Tell recipients where you’re located (click here for more information about the CAN-SPAM Act). 
  • Send a test email to yourself and in your inbox: 
    1. Do the same checks as above in the email inbox. 
    2. Check the subject line and preview text to ensure they look proper (e.g., there should be enough white spaces after preview texts). 
    3. In the Preview, the mobile view and desktop view both look good
  • Scheduling delivery: 
    1. If you need to select a specific time to send out your campaign, make sure you choose the correct date, time, and time zone (default to EST). 
    2. Check if the campaign status goes to “Scheduled” after putting in the date and time.  
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